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General Election 1985 Punjab Assembly Results

The page provides detailed insight into the results of General Election held on 28 February, 1985. The page includes information on the performance of the candidates and the political parties during the elections. The statistical information about the seats secured by the political parties and their candidates, percentage of their vote-share and the aggregate change in the percentage of their votes-share since last General Election can also be found on this page.

Party Seat Won Seat Change Candidates Votes % Vote Share % Vote Change
Non-party elections 240 +240 1,757 12,397,494 100
Total 240 1,757 12,397,494 100

Punjab Assembly 1985 General Election Results

Constituency Candidate Name Registered Voters Polled Votes Valid Votes Candidate Votes Candidate % Vote Share Position Party
PP-20 Jhelum-III Ch. Sultan Khan 81,237 53,683 52,401 6,366 12.15 4 Non-party elections
PP-20 Jhelum-III Col. Muhammad Inayat 81,237 53,683 52,401 816 1.56 5 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV Liaqat Ali Khan 96,428 61,479 60,497 24,806 41 Winner Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV M. Nawaz 96,428 61,479 60,497 10,422 17.23 2 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV M. Ali Khan 96,428 61,479 60,497 10,089 16.68 3 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV Brig Retd. Saadat Ali Shah 96,428 61,479 60,497 5,241 8.66 4 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV Ghulam Haider 96,428 61,479 60,497 4,535 7.5 5 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV Ghulam Akbar Kahut 96,428 61,479 60,497 3,583 5.92 6 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV Abdul Rashid Mirza 96,428 61,479 60,497 1,467 2.42 7 Non-party elections
PP-21 Jhelum-IV M. Khan 96,428 61,479 60,497 354 0.59 8 Non-party elections
PP-22 Jhelum-V Sardar Ghulam Abbas 90,109 56,987 55,825 30,817 55.2 Winner Non-party elections
PP-22 Jhelum-V Ch. Ghulam Muhammad 90,109 56,987 55,825 24,120 43.21 2 Non-party elections
PP-22 Jhelum-V Col. Retd. Mumtaz Ali Khan 90,109 56,987 55,825 888 1.59 3 Non-party elections
PP-23 Jhelum-VI Syed Asghar Ali Shah 84,763 50,988 49,862 18,733 37.57 Winner Non-party elections
PP-23 Jhelum-VI Malik Shahbaz Khan 84,763 50,988 49,862 16,023 32.13 2 Non-party elections
PP-23 Jhelum-VI Malik Mansoor Iqbal 84,763 50,988 49,862 15,106 30.3 3 Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Syed Hasnat Ahmad 85,503 54,565 52,892 17,406 32.91 Winner Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Raja Nasir Ali Khan 85,503 54,565 52,892 10,660 20.15 2 Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Nasrullah 85,503 54,565 52,892 8,107 15.33 3 Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Mirza Saeed Mahmood Beg 85,503 54,565 52,892 7,517 14.21 4 Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Syed M. Aqeel Zia Haider 85,503 54,565 52,892 7,029 13.29 5 Non-party elections
PP-24 Jhelum-VII Ghulam Nabi 85,503 54,565 52,892 2,173 4.11 6 Non-party elections
PP-25 Gujrat-I Nawabzada Muzaffar Ali 0 0 0 0 Winner Non-party elections
PP-26 Gujrat-II Gul Nawaz Khan 93,840 59,922 57,200 20,890 36.52 Winner Non-party elections
PP-26 Gujrat-II M. Abdullah Waraich 93,840 59,922 57,200 16,479 28.81 2 Non-party elections