FAFEN Releases Fourth Update on Election and Political Environment Before GE-2018

FAFEN Releases Fourth Update on Election and Political Environment Before GE-2018

ISLAMABAD, June 12, 2018: The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN)’s General Elections (GE) 2018 Update-IV is based on observation data gathered systematically from 130 districts by as many trained and non-partisan District Coordinators (DCs) during the latter half of May 2018 (May 16 to May 31). The information was collected through 731 interviews with representatives of 44…

Women Action Forum: A Women's Manifesto for General Election 2018

Women’s Action Forum – Karachi: A Women’s Manifesto for General Election 2018

Women’s Action Forum recognizes the Pakistani State’s irrevocable responsibility for upholding its citizens’ fundamental rights to life, liberty, security and dignity as outlined in Article 9 of the Constitution of Pakistan:
 “No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, save in accordance with law.”

WAF advocates for a secular and pluralistic state which observes the separation of religion from laws and public policies and administers the well-being and protects the equal rights of all citizens, without any discrimination on the basis of gender, class or religious belief.  Further WAF calls on all institutions to govern without any use and therefore, exploitation, of religion.