Voters turned out in considerable numbers to vote for their local representatives during the first phase of election that was held in eight districts of Sindh on Saturday, October 31, 2015. Although relatively better organized, the local government elections were not free from procedural irregularities and tainted by the afternoon clash in Khairpur district that…
An impressive number of people turned out to vote in the first phase of the Local Government Election in Punjab held in 12 districts. While relatively peaceful, the elections were marked by procedural irregularities and illegalities that continue to highlight weak grip of the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on the enforcement of electoral processes.…
The election results from 1970 to 1997 are taken from Pakistan Election Compendium published by the Church World Services in collaboration with Punjab Lok Sujag; a Pakistani civil society organization. Whereas, the results of elections held from 2002 onwards have been acquired from the Election Commission of Pakistan. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of data; however, any possible errors and omissions are excepted.