Only 11 percent of Election Officials’ Meetings held with Security Officials

ISLAMABAD, May 9, 2013: Free and Fair Election Network’s (FAFEN) Long-Term Observers interviewed Returning Officers (ROs), District Returning Officers (DROs) and District Election Commissioners (DECs) in 48 constituencies and 35 districts, regarding their meetings with election stakeholders at district and constituency levels. These meetings, we believe, are essential for security and logistical planning and to…

40% of Pre-election Complaints Yet to be Resolved

40% of Pre-election Complaints Yet to be Resolved

ISLAMABAD, May 7, 2013: The number of pre-election complaints increased sharply in the last week of April 2013, with 1,476 complaints being registered with election officials between April 23 and 29, 2013, nearly twice the 747 complaints reportedly filed in the preceding week. Out of these complaints, nearly two-thirds (1,049 or 59.8%) were resolved, according…

70 Govt Officials Campaign for Candidates in 25 Constituencies

70 Govt Officials Campaign for Candidates in 25 Constituencies

ISLAMABAD, May 5, 2013: Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN) observers witnessed a total of 70 government officials participating in political activities in 25 constituencies across the country. Thirty-six officials were seen seeking votes for different candidates in 12 constituencies, while another 17 officials were observed participating in political rallies, in 12 different constituencies, says…

Candidates continue to defy Code

ISLAMABAD, April 26, 2013: The Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN)’s Constituency Long-Term Observers have found out that the political parties’ candidates are continuing to defy the Code of Conduct notified by the Election Commission of Pakistan, as they gathered reports from 152 constituencies across the country between April 11 and 19, 2013, says a…

512 Code of Conduct Violations in 10 Days

ISLAMABAD, April 20, 2013: As many as 16 political parties and independent candidates have committed violations of the Election Code of Conduct in 77 observed National Assembly constituencies across the country between April 1 and 10, 2013, says Pre-Election Update 33 released on Saturday. Violations committed by political parties and independent candidates include one-third by…

Election officials hold 152 meetings with stakeholders

ISLAMABAD, April 18, 2013:  The District Election Commissioners (DECs) in separate interviews have indicated that they have held 152 meetings with various stakeholders in 57 districts across the country. According to the data collected by FAFEN observers, DECs held the highest number of meetings with district government officials (30%), followed by security officials (17%), and…