This section offers constituency-wise information of contending political parties, profiles of contesting candidates, votes and positions they have secured. It also provides the total number of registered voters, voter-turnout, and the number of valid and rejected votes in each constituency.

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NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur

Region : Balochistan
Result Status: Announced
Position Candidate Party Votes % Vote Share
Winner     Bizen Bizenjo PakNP 26,166 45
2     Dr. M. Yaseen BNM 23,782 41
3     Molvi Abdul Ghaffar JUI 3,270 6
4     Molana Abdul Haq IJI 3,021 5
5     Amanullah Gichki IND 332 1
6     Manzoor Ahmad IND 370 1

Registered Votes

Valid Votes




Geographical History of Kalat Region

This section provides historical information about the elections in Kalat Region since the 1970. The information includes the graphical analysis of numbers of registered voters, voter-turnout and winning political parties/candidates in those constituencies. Click on the year to view details of the elections held during the same year.

Click on year to view the details of elections held that year in this geographical cluster.

You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1970 elections. This cluster contains 2 constituencies listed below:
NW-138 Kalat-I, NW-137 Kalat-I
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1977 elections. This cluster contains 2 constituencies listed below:
NA-200 Kalat-II, NA-199 Kalat-I
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1985 elections. This cluster contains 4 constituencies listed below:
NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur, NA-206 Lasbela-cum-Gwadar, NA-204 Kalat-cum-Kharan, NA-205 Kalat-cum-Kharan
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1988 elections. This cluster contains 4 constituencies listed below:
NA-205 Khuzdar, NA-204 Kalat-cum-Kharan, NA-206 Lasebela-cum-Gwadar, NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1990 elections. This cluster contains 4 constituencies listed below:
NA-206 Lasbela-cum-Gwadar, NA-205 Khuzdar, NA-204 Kalat-cum-Kharan, NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1993 elections. This cluster contains 4 constituencies listed below:
NA-205 Khuzdar-cum-Awaran (GE-1990 NA-205 Khuzdar), NA-204 Kalat-cum-Mastung-cum-Kharan (GE-1990 NA-204 Kalat-cum-Kharan), NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur, NA-206 Lasbela-cum-Gawadar
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 1997 elections. This cluster contains 4 constituencies listed below:
NA-207 Turbat-cum-Panjgur, NA-204 Kalat-cum-Mastung-cum-Kharan, NA-205 Khuzdar-cum-Awaran, NA-206 Lasbela-cum-Gawadar
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 2002 elections. This cluster contains 5 constituencies listed below:
NA-269 Khuzdar, NA-272 Kech-cum-Gwadar, NA-268 Kalat-cum-Mastung, NA-271 Kharan-cum-Washuk-cum-Panjgur, NA-270 Awaran-cum-Lasbela
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 2008 elections. This cluster contains 5 constituencies listed below:
NA-268 Kalat-cum-Mastung, NA-272 Kech-cum-Gwadar, NA-271 Kharan-cum-Washuk-cum-Panjgur, NA-270 Awaran-cum-Lasbela, NA-269 Khuzdar
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 2013 elections. This cluster contains 5 constituencies listed below:
NA-272 Kech-cum-Gwadar, NA-271 Kharan-cum-Washuk-cum-Panjgur, NA-270 Awaran-cum-Lasbela, NA-269 Khuzdar, NA-268 Kalat-cum-Mastung
You are currently viewing details of Kalat Region in 2018 elections. This cluster contains 6 constituencies listed below:
NA-267 Mastung-cum-Shaheed Sikandarabad-cum-Kalat, NA-268 Chagai-cum-Nushki-cum-Kharan, NA-269 Khuzdar, NA-270 Panjgur-cum-Washuk-cum-Awaran, NA-271 Kech, NA-272 Lasbela-cum-Gwadar

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